Coops Digital Skills and
Accounting Software Proposal


Coops Digital Skills and Accounting Software Proposal

INTRODUCTION A co-operative society is a type business organization in which member of co-operative society make efforts to achieve any common objectives on a voluntary and democratic basis.The underlying rule of a co-operative society is a each for all and all for each. In other words, a cooperative society is a form of a business organization established by the voluntary association of a certain number of persons with a spirt of service in order to achieve self- help through mutual help,and managed in a democratic manner.

The main forms of co-operative societies are:-

  • Consumer co-operative societies
  • Producer co-operative societies
  • Marketing co-operative societies
  • Saving and credit co-operative societies

    In Tanzania, specifically our hood coops stakeholders namely MTWARA,AND MASASI COOPERATIVES UNION (MAMCU) TANDAHIMBA AND NEWALA COOPERATIVES UNION (TANECU), RUANGWA,NACHINGWEA AND LIWALE COOPERATIVES UNION (RUNALI),LINDI MWAMBAO and TUNDURU AGRICULTURAL MARKETING COOPERATIVE UNION (TAMKU) with their Agricultural Marketing Cooperative societies (AMCOS) have been stumbling in medieval keeping both normal and financial records. They always swerve managerial decisions and outsiders.

    CLIMTECH Consulting is a think tank organization that provide people soft skills across a wide range of both managerial and accounting aspects with immense integration of our contemporary technology across the southern zone. Our motivation lies in delivering innovations and flexible consultancy services that are beneficial and bore fruitful results in



    Soft skills are vital modernizing cooperatives financial and managerial reports that would enable COOPERATIVE AUDIT AND SUPERVISION CORPORATION (COASCO) to get the real principle of independence in auditing assignments. Nevertheless, their financial institutions 'counterparts would entertain accurate and electronically financial reports too . Both cooperative unions and their respective AMCOS will have a fortress database that will certainly enable communication between themselves and outsiders prolifically.

    "CLIMTECH has profoundly researched and found perpetual stumbling of both our zonal cooperative unions namely MAMCU, TANECU,LINDI MWAMBAO, RUNALI,TAMCU and their respectively AMCOSES in keeping both financial and managerial records that are always bewilder their stakeholders especially COASCO to come with decisively financial reports. Meanwhile, financial institutions like banks have experienced unending garbage of payment ratifications due to inconsistency of manual file management and payment procedures too.
    We are here to redeem the cooperatives "financial records despite their budget constraints stumble we decide to implement these skills in two phases. Phase one CLIMTECH will train the fundamental usage of computer programs mainly Microsoft word, Excel and PowerPoint, Emails utility and filing management. These skills will prolifically transform our AMCOS secretaries to create their digital database for farmers, generate decisively payment reports to their financial institutions, quick and accurate reports to the government a strong and reliable stakeholder."

    Phase two which is complimentary CLIMTECH will supply , install, train and support accounting package specifically QuickBooks that will role as digital accountants whenever they post the transactions that package will produce respective financial reports. In doing so, their crucial financial stakeholders mainly COASCO banks, government and etc.would have entertained their asked record timely and accurately. We meekly extend the content of our proposal to footnote our modules overview and hopefully look forward to hearing from you soon.


    AMCOS Secretaries bulk of them has not yet been schooled professionally, that bedevil presenting their digital record before internal management and outsiders. They use ancient long ledges to capture their financial records that lead puzzle reports extended to both managerial and external stakeholders. Meanwhile administrative information lacks organizational format and is extended manually to the users. CLIMTECH Consulting has entertained this puzzle and decided to come up with soft skills for embellishing our AMCOS accountants for better money reporting. Our experts will implement the scratch using of computers and their peripherals to digitalize the Cooperative information.

    Microsoft Program

    Intensive training will be flourished to the AMCOS secretaries for both intermediate and Advanced Microsoft Word, Excel , PowerPoint and dabbled Access.

    As government enjoins e-Government policy this would enable them to organize their formal reports that are always needed by their top stakeholders namely District Cooperative Officers, Regional Registry and Union managements.

    CLIMTECH Consulting team will certainly adorn their computerization in recording information, data, presenting information, file keeping, data storage and recovery and all other aspects from the aforementioned programs.

    Emails Utility

    An Email Address is a unique identifier used to both send and receive mail message from hierarchy and other stakeholders too.After sharpening their soft skills from the aforesaid program usage, the organization would entertain sharing of the information or data created to their management, financial institutions, tax agency, ministries and etc. CLIMTECH Experts will train them how t send and receive information through electronic email addresses and creating an Email Server for their farmers database. Notwithstanding, our team will extremely officiate domains for them where necessary and compromise accordingly. Each AMCOS will have instantly and accurately means of communication to both internal and outsiders leaving the fortress database for supporting the future.

    Files Management

    As we know a file is a collection of data stored in a unit umbrellaed via filename whether is a document, picture and Video format . Participants would have a profound chance to propel this knowledge from our IT trendsetters and eventually electronic data will be managed and stored accordingly. In doing so , Where necessary the file server will be created to provide the going concern of the organization to retrieve information where needed and discard cobwebs for the retired AMCOS Secretaries to come for oral evidence. In a nutshell, One -Click will be sufficient Evidence of information.


    This is complimentary to segment one as we regard the participants would have already swallowed the computer literacy skills to face accounting challenges. We understand the level of education that our AMCOS secretaries hold that forced us to come up with technological solutions rather than consuming their time by sending them to acquire accounting concepts. In a nutshell, CLIMTECH Consulting will be savior through the following:


    Co-operative accounts are also maintained on the basis of Accounting Principles. These are some aspects of co - operative accounts which are different from the accounts of a commercial enterprise. Generally, is the applications of financial accounting principles,concepts and policies to co-operatives in order to ascertain their financial position, ensure viable operations, promote accountability and efficient management of co -operative financial resources.


    By de jure the cooperatives societies namely AMCOS and Unions must keep on the truck the following; -It is duty of every co-op society to keep proper books which shall: -Be prepared in accordance with international accounting standards -which shall reflect the true and fair state of the co-op society affairs -which shall explain co -op society transactions including: . All sums of money received and paid by the co-op society and the reason there to . All sales and purchases of goods and services by the co-op society

    The books of accountants shall be kept at the registered office of the co-op society or at such other place as been determined by the society and shall at all times available for inspection by members, supervisory committee and the auditors.

    Why? The main objective is to ensure that AMCOS are managed efficiently by ways of - . Keeping and maintaining proper books of accounts. . Safeguarding co-op society resources and funds as well as those of members.

    CLIMTECH Consulting experts are both IT and Accountants will certainly concentrate on AMCOS personnel in innovating their cooperative accounting until they are able for the following; . Once trained, the staff acquire necessary knowledge and skills that enable them to record and maintain effectively the books of accounts. Once trained, the staff can be located to any department of the society to discharge bookkeeping and other accounting functions When systems are properly put in place , staff don't have to spend a lot of time consulting colleagues on what to do Because of standardization, specific training to man and operate the co- op accounting system can be offered to the staff at a central point. Staff can readily account for their day to day activities and therefore justify their continued employment. The staff are able to work more efficiently in their area of specialization.

    This is the point where CLIMTECH Consulting has researched an accounting package namely QuickBooks will be suitable for the aforesaid cooperatives.We will supply, install, train and support that accounting software to make them skilled workers for producing decisively financial reports to their internal management and outsiders too. Financial Reports Customization AMCOS and it's Unions are always stumbling to retrieve financial reports instantly and decisively where they need to communicate with their management and stakeholders. QuickBooks discards these cobwebs by doing the following:


    Cooperatives primarily recognize charges (USHURU) as their source of income and other well-inverted ones have renting income, transportation, and etc. QuickBooks will generate income reports instantly after-sales recording whether captured in CASH or RECEIVABLE fashions . This will provide their annual income capturing unequivocally to management and other stakeholders. Purchases Where cooperatives has produced good or services in order to deliver their missions will be directly recognized as their direct costs.The participants will have a blink click to get properly arranged purchase reports from the customized periods. QuickBooks through a double entry setting will automatically sense and customize reports accordingly.


    Where cooperatives have procured goods or services in order to deliver their missions will be directly recognized as their direct cocts. The participants eill have a blick click to get properly arranged purchase reports from the customised periods. QuickBooks through a double entry setting will automatically sense and customise reports accordingly.


    This is where the bulk of cooperatives are always at crossroads specificially AMCOS Secretaries, to amass all wholly and exclusively expenditures incurred throughout the season year that is a perpetual challenge to them. Quickbooks has a soft and displayed database for capturing the expenses in the chart of accounts created depending on your industry nature, Implementation of QickBooks software will provide the consistency of cooperatives going concerned that despite their spiral habitude of changing administrations but expenditures incurred will be retrieved in blick click.


    For AMCOS the package will track the number of kilograms unpaid sent to the union's warehouses while unions will instantly generate receivable reports from buyer's companies of the auctioned crops. CLients have always a habitual way of clearing liabilities in installment fashions that subtle supplier to reconcile it is a database. QuickBooks Software will discard this cobweb by generating decisively reports that will enable them to understand their receivables balances.


    AMCOS and Unions have estimable suppliers exchanging their transactions in credit fashions. Quickbooks packages will certainly display creditor's balances instantly and outline their histories. Bags suppliers , Fumigators , Stationeries suppliers , Transporters , Security Agencies and etc. would have entertained their credit balances in blink click.


    Both Secretaries and AAccountants would have automatically reconciled their bank accounts against their monthly cashbooks.


    Participants would have chances to see the statement of comprehensive Income , Statement of Financial Position , Statement of Changes of Equity / Appropriations and statement of Cash Flows.These aforementioned reports will always project ongoing cooperatives operations through their managerial operations and outsider's interaction.


    Laymen will certainly turn to proficiency experts through intensively training conducted by CLIMTECH Consulting trendsetters. Our experienced experts will always stay at their back for reviewing the recording of the regular transactions carried by them throughout their accounting periods.In a nutshell, cooperatives will communicate with internal and external stakeholders without rambling data.